HOME IS A HOTEL is Kevin’s feature debut and was supported by Sundance, SFFilm, and The Center for Asian American Media among others and premiered at the 2023 SF International Film Festival. The short film which inspired HOME IS A HOTEL won several awards including the Loni Ding award for social justice documentary and Best Short Documentary at Cinequest. His other Non-Fiction films have played at festivals across the country including Bigy Sky, SFFilm and Cinequest, and been featured on PBS and in The Washington Post. His narrative films include “Forgetting,” an adaptation of an episode of WNYC’s Radiolab, and “Jus Soli” a Sci-Fi Thriller about immigration and data privacy starring Lynn Chen.

He is a former Sundance Humanities Sustainability Fellow, SFFilm Filmhouse resident, and BAVC Media Maker fellow.